Thursday, December 16, 2010

Decoding the Universe

Written by Charles Seife
The author is an expert on information theory and artificial intelligence, and has written many articles for many of the popular scientific journals over the years. The book is a look at information theory and how it pertains to all of reality, and is extremely readable. If you aren't familiar with information theory, this might be a good place to start, with the bonus that you will learn another way of looking at the world around you.

Programming the Universe

Written by Seth Lloyd.
The author is a quantum computer scientist and an acknowledged expert on information theory, and the book presents a way of looking at the reality around us as an amalgamation of the two sciences. Along the way he explains some of the innate weirdness of the quantum world in a clear and concise (and non-mathematical) manner. If for nothing else the book is readable for the non technical discussions of the quantum world, but it contains a good look at the world of information theory as well.

The Cosmic Landscape

Written by Leonard Susskind, the book is subtitled "String theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design"
Science is in the throes of trying to define a Theory of Everything, a theory that will explain everything in reality. String theory is one attempt that seems to be closer than earlier theories, being closer to providing a framework for gravity as well as the other forces. The author is a founder of string theory, and the book takes you on a tour of the development of string theory, and where it is going. The book is very readable if you are interested in the biggest questions, and what could be bigger than 10 to the 500 realities? A good look at scientific thinking and the development of a major theory as well as a look at the theory itself.

The Quark and the Jaguar

Written by Murray Gell-Mann
This book takes a look at simplicity and complexity, and the strange world of quantum physics, in a readable and enjoyable manner. The author looks at information theory, evolution, complex adaptive systems, and the strange world of the quantum to arrive at a synthesis, a way of looking at the world around us that is hopeful. The author has won the Nobel prize in physics and has been working on quantum physics for most of his life, despite that the book is very enjoyable.

The Fabric of Reality

Written by David Deutsch, this book makes the best case yet for the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics, and does it clearly. The author takes a look at several branches of science and argues that together they point to an understanding of reality, and a reality that is optimistic as far as the human species goes. A lot of good information here, and a broad look at various sciences, the book is both a good look at some parts of science you might not be familiar with and a look at rational thinking. Highly recommended.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Read By Ed

This blog is an attempt to review some of the books I've read, and to suggest good reading material for anyone that is interested. I try to avoid the negative but there are a few stinkeroos that I will mention to save others from wasting their money on them. I will also try to give a brief synopsis of all those I recommend.